Facility Retrofit

Each facility has different characteristics and needs. Collecting data can feel impossible, but that’s why we are here. With the skills of our engineers and the support of cutting edge software tools and monitoring equipments, we can determine optimum energy efficiency that can be achieved. Specific tests can be conducted for a tailored Energy Audits. See test below

Cooling System Efficiency

Cooling System Efficiency

Lighting Efficiency

Lighting Efficiency

Pump Efficiency

Pump Efficiency

Motor Efficiency

Motor Efficiency

Heating Efficiency

Heating Efficiency

Boiler Efficiency

Boiler Efficiency

Compressed Air Efficiency

Compressed Air Efficiency

Power Quality

Power Quality

Building Envelope

Building Envelope


SES performs a variety of tests through various software, tools, and state-of-the-art monitoring equipment to determine the total energy efficiency that we can achieve. Once concluded, the Synergy team will provide a detailed Energy Audit Report with the energy efficiency findings


Decide which recommendations to go with, then our engineers will conduct a second on-site inspection to quantify the exact savings potential based on your decision. Once inspections and calculations are done, SES will assign an experience project manager to be your dedicated representative who will work side by side with your team to ensure project delivery